What is the need for a Student Council?
  • India is a largest democracy in the world but democratic values are not present in our society and system.
  • An ideal democracy can be formed when citizen aware of their rights, leaders who work for the betterment of society and a society based on democratic values.
  • Democratic values should be part of every citizen’s daily life, and students need to learn how a democratic society should work.
  • So, the idea came to be at the thought that students should have a voice in the school system and structure and a student council resembling the parliament of our country was formed in Umang.
  • In 2018, for the first time elections were conducted at Umang.
  • From now onwards each year we have tried to adopt different ways of elections from countries around the worlds which provides us with a broader view of how different systems of democracy are present around the worlds.

Student Council Elections.

Student Council





–  1 President – should be from the higher grade of the school (all school’s votes)

–  2 – MP – Member of Parliament- Class representatives per class (1 girl, 1 boy) (class votes) (Class wise 2 representatives)

–  1 teacher coordinator,

–  In the first meeting, ministers will be chosen by voting or consensus amongst the student parliament members

Term of the Council Academic year


Process of formation

–  The Election Commission is formed.

–  The Principal is the chairperson of the election.

–  Teacher coordinator (decided by students)

–  3 Students will be the members of Election Commission.

–  The Election Commission will conduct the elections from the nomination of candidates, to polling to announcing the results.

–  Those students that take part in the Election Commission will not be nominated for any position to ensure fair measures.


Before the Student council election
 1.Nomination of     candidates

–  After, the Election Commission is formed it makes a notice on the upcoming elections and asks for the interested candidates to fill out the nomination form.

–  A security deposit is submitted with the form.

–  In the form the student has to tell their preferred symbol choice with some personal details and fill out their reason for contesting the elections and the promises they are making if they get elected.





2. Election Campaign in the school

-The nominees are allowed to make handmade poster/pamphlets with their election s symbol to be put up in the school.

-The nominees for class representative give speeches and debates are held in the respective classrooms.

-The nominees for school President give a speech in the Assembly and there is an open platform where any member of the school can put up questions for the nominee.

-The President nominees also can go to classrooms separately during campaign if they wish to.

-The duration for the campaign is after the Official date is announced and 1 day before the polling day.


-Election forms are printed

-Polling boxes are made by students

The Polling booth is set up.

The Electoral Roll is also made

On the day of Student council election




1. MP – Class representative election

There is one box per classroom and the election forms are given to students by order as they come to the polling booth one by one.

The student ticks on the preferred candidate (one boy and one girl)  and puts it into the box after folding.

One teacher is present to guide the students but the vote remains anonymous.

A mark is put on the finger after voting





2. President election

–  A box is assigned to the votes for the president nominees

–  All the nominees are allowed to stand outside the polling booth to ensure fair measures but campaigning is not allowed.

–  All students above 3rd grade ,staff and management members are given one vote each.



All the votes and the school gather in the assembly where the Election Commission unseals the boxes.

First the class representative come up to the front and votes are counted and tally marked on a blackboard.

The nominee with the highest amount of votes in the girl and boy categories respectively get chosen as the class representative.

Then, the President nominees come up to the front and the box is unsealed each vote for the candidate is presented to them.

In the end who has the highest amounts of votes becomes the President.

Who has the second highest amount of votes becomes the Vice-President

And ,the third highest vote holder becomes the leader of the Opposition.

Working Of The Student Council

The objective and purpose of students’ council shall be to :
•    Represent the School
•    Voice the concerns of students
•    Unify the student body through social activities and community opportunities
•    Promote civic responsibility, leadership, scholarship and human relations within the
student body.
•    Act as liaison to school administration for student issues to be addressed.
•    Provide aid to the students
•    Host school functions and events.
•    Sponsor a number of community service activities in a manner that brings the school
and community closer together as a whole.
•    Create an atmosphere that promotes students involvement in the council, different clubs
and other activities.
•    Develop a healthy environment in school campus by co-ordinating in Morning Assembly,
during breaks, house meetings, PTMs and other school events.
•    The principal shall appoint members of faculty as advisors to aid to the students’ council
in its activities and projects
•    The nominated faculty members will be designated as coordinator students council.
I. Student Council President
A. Represent the student council at school, district and civic events and other meetings.
B. Be responsible for coordinating the functioning of council
C. Supervise the functioning of the elected student body officers.
D. Develop the agenda for and preside over the meetings of Student Council.
E. Coordinate the work of committees
Students Council Cabinet –
1. Health Minister
A. Work for clean water and toilet
B. Awareness about Menstrual Health and Personal hygiene
C. Proposed Annual health Check-up Camp
D. Demand for First Aid facilities and sanitary pad availability in the school

E. Demand for Nutrition value or balance diet in mid-day meal and school canteen
VI. Education Minister
A. Support in conducive learning environment
B. Ensure the teachers availability as per subject and as per students strength
C. Organize GK quiz or participation at District level in various academic competition
D. Peer learning
E. Demand for Career fair and counseling session

VII. Environment Minister
A. Create awareness on Environment issues
B. Organize events.
C. work on plantation, waste management.
4. work on eco-friendly atmosphere
VIII. Sports Minster
A. Demand for Sports infrastructure and sports goods .
B. Demand for Sports period in time table.
C. Participation in various sports competition at district or block level.
D. Annual sports meet
VIII. Cultural Minister
1. Work on Value based school culture like no bulling, no abuse, no discrimination.
2. Raise voice against corporal punishment
3. Conduct daily assembly and demand for special cultural event like annual day
4. Participation in block and district level cultural events and competition like republic
day etc.
. The Council Member
A. Communicate ideas and class problems from the student to the Council.
B. work as a junior minster with cabinet
C. Volunteer as needed.

Watch the Presidential Speeches given by candidates in the Assembly

Watch the Presidential Speeches given by candidates in the Assembly